Why does the motorcycle battery need to be charged?
To put it bluntly, most of you have a car and most of them put their bikes in winter storage. If you ask a motorist whether he or she ever puts his battery on the charger, you will always get the answer 'never!' Why then a motorcycle battery on the charger? Well now, an engine
you use less often than a car. And a motorcycle battery also has a much smaller capacity.
All batteries suffer from self-discharge, an annoying process that causes the starting capacity to decrease more and more. Do you think it is strange that a motorcycle battery at the end of winter can barely complete the starter motor? The voltage only needs to drop a little below 12.4 volts and it already goes wrong. And with a very deeply discharged battery, the chance of permanent damage is high. That is why it is important to keep your battery in good condition to prevent a deeply discharged battery.